» 150% credit earned when SURF from 8PM (GMT+7) - 8AM (GMT+7) every day.

How can I join AutoSurf.vn?

You can join FREE and EASY by clicking the SIGN UP

How can I get traffic to my sites?

Once you SIGN UP and add your website, let's SURF to get credits when you had `time` other members will automatically visit your site. This access is completely natural, which will increase your website traffic, Google and Alexa indicators will automatically increase..

Money in AutoSurf.vn

AutoSurf.vn use money Ⱥ (au) to perform transactions, you can use this money for the following purposes:

  • `Time` Supermarket trading
  • Trading in the open market (members buy / sell prices free credits)>
  • Upgrading and extension of the account (Gold and Silver members)
  • Transfers between members

How can I make money Ⱥ (au)?

There are many ways for you to earn money Ⱥ (au), the following are some common ways:

  • Place the banner of autosurf.vn up your site
  • Introduce new members (you will receive a percentage commission from AutoSurf.vn)
  • Sale (conversion) the number of minutes that you earn from the SURF system
  • And (of course) if you do not have time to SURF, you can deposit into the account and converted into Ⱥ (au)

Can I convert money Ⱥ (au) of money "real" does not?

Currently auto surfs not allow conversion back from Ⱥ (au) into cash, but do not ban your auto surfs transfer between members!

If you need more answers, please CONTACT US. We will answer your questions immediately.